1. ‘
2. Website. Pauline Cheetham has kindly agreed to keep the website up to date for us. We hope that once it is updated people will visit it from time to time to pick up the latest news. This is the most economical way for us to communicate with members; paper communications and meetings carry costs. Try Googling ' EBCARA' ....
3. Informal
4. Tree-felling. There was extensive tree-felling and –lopping along the
5. Easemore House planning application. Several members wrote letters objecting to the high pillars and railings. In March the Planning Office decided in the owner’s favour and gave retrospective planning consent.
7. Neighbourhood Watch. As requested, Rodney contacted Seaford NHW; he is now the Road Co-ordinator for the Conservation Area, responsible for delivering newsletters and acting as a two-way communication link. It is up to you, though, as individual householders, to decide whether you will opt in by paying the small subscription.
NHW are pleased that we are joining as residents in our area have so far shown little interest. They see the work of Neighbourhood Watch and EBCARA as dovetailing together in a useful and mutually beneficial way.
The Police use NHW as a line of communication to warn householders of crime threats in their area. Here is the latest information from the Police;
1) Advice: Beware of leaving windows, doors and garages open and unattended during the summer months, and leaving tools lying around outside.
2) The Central Ward panel meeting in June raised the following as priorities:
a) Explore the feasibility of a No Cold Calling Zone to cover all of
b) Continue tackling anti-social behaviour.
c) Tackle speeding vehicles.
3) On cold calling (doorstepping) the police advise contacting Trading Standards, St Mary’s House,
4) Report anti-social behaviour on the Police non-emergency number, which connects you to the Police Contact Centre in Lewes (0845-60-70-999 or e-mail contact.centre@sussex.pnn.police.uk). This is a 24-hour helpline and reporting facility.
Finally, if you decide to join Neighbourhood Watch, you can get NHW stickers for your door or window at the Police Station front office.
8. Noise nuisance from the School. On 11 June very loud live music was played without any notice from
9. Chairman. No-one has come forward to volunteer to Chair meetings.
10. Secretary. No-one has communicated with Rodney on any issue except for one complaint about noise from the school. Please remember that the future success of EBCARA depends on active participation by members.
any feedback to -
& Rookery Cottage, Blatchington Hill